Sunday, August 16, 2009

Review of books

Book 1

The Giver

The giver is a book based in a totally incomprehensible world of sameness where everything is controlled. It has a simple plot yet a very unique setting, making it perfectly complex and a good read for any reader, young or old. It's characters are built perfectly. It is a very original book and forces the reader to have a completely new perspective on our world now, and what our world could be. It is not a humorous book but gives you deep emotion near the end on what true happiness is. In a world with no color, joy, fear, or pain, how would you feel? I hope this is a review that will get you to read the book and change your perspective of things.

I give it 5/5 stars, best book I have ever read, I hope you feel the same.

- The Reader

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