Sunday, March 21, 2010

Review- Fablehaven

This is my first bad review, Fablehaven has to be the worst book I've read in my life. This is also the first book I'm reviewing with my new code and new age description.

Fablehaven is a story about two characters named Kendra and Seth, Kendra is a girl and Seth is a boy, the first interesting thing happens when Seth catches a fairy and turns it into an imp. That's about all that happens until the last 5 chapters. There are about 20 chapters. 3/4 of the thing is character development! Not even very good character development, it gives you nothing of the character's backgrounds, just their personalities. Nothing happens in the book at all. Whilst I was reading it I was thinking to myself: "I'll get passed the first few chapters and then it'll get interesting..." it didn't. At the tenth chapter I'm thinking: "okay, it'll get interesting soon enough..." it didn't. I managed to read until the last five chapters and I think on the fourth chapter before the end it got interesting. (My facts about this could be off, just bear with me).
In the end, Kendra (the main character) saves Fablehaven from "falling" and prevents the evil which and evil spirit to rule the world. It does have sequels and they might be more interesting, but if you want to read the series, I recommend skipping this first book, its really for younger readers.
On the positive side, the end is quite interesting and captivating, but it isn't worth reading through all of the fluff in the beginning and middle to get to it.

+ Interesting end
- No plot, tons of fluff, could be edited down to a story book size, too much characterization, extremely dramatic, no real-life situations; arguments are terribly drawn out; conversations are to fluffed up, not interesting until the end.

I give it -3/5 stars

[*] {} Age recommendation: 5-7 years old

*= no cussing
**= some cussing (once every chapter)
***= lots of cussing (once every page)
****= tons of cussing (once every paragraph)
( in [ ] )
!= Moderately bad words
!!= Pretty bad words
!!!= Extremely bad words
(in { } )